Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Saturday, July 19, 2014

In the Garden: what's blooming in mid-July 2014

My garden is looking lovely this summer. Many of the flowers I planted last summer have grown in and look amazing! I love coming home after work and looking over everything that's growing and blooming. There were a few casualties, as there every summer, but most of what I've planted has survived. I planted a few new flowers this summer -  a few more daisies and some 3' high garden phlox for height.

Here's a bouquet of flowers from my garden. It's so wonderful to be able to go snip a few flowers from the garden to bring inside. Makes me happy!

a home grown bouquet

Here is what's blooming this year, in mid-July. (See last year's garden pictures here, and 2012 pictures here.)

My Clematis 'Roguchi' is HUGE this year. I highly recommend this clematis.

an amazing profusion of blooms...

and the seed heads are adorable!!

cute sedum in a pot

bzzz bzzz bzzz

Liatris spicata Kobold in full bloom

Hakonechloa macra 'Naomi' (Japanese Fountain Grass) in the forefront

Geranium Rozanne blooming away

a close up of the Geranium Rozanne

my Echinacea purpurea 'Virgin' looks great this year! So many blooms...

the little fern in the back is growing nicely

Phlox paniculata David, newly planted last month. It's about 3 1/2 feet tall!

a close up of the garden Phlox

the seed heads of my peony ('Festiva Maxima')

bleeding heart foliage (Dicentra spectabilis)

Platycodon grandiflorus 'Sentimental Blue' (dwarf balloon flower)

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in White' with a stem of Liatris in the front

Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster,' Feather Reed Grass...
the brown seed heads are really pretty against the tall green grass

Bye for now...

Friday, July 5, 2013

In the Garden: what's blooming in June 2013

close up of Clematis 'Roguchi' - tons of flowers and a fast grower
more photos of the clematis below

An update on the garden we planted last summer. Sadly, many of my favorite plants from last year have died. Apparently all of my lavender (sob, one of my favorites!) and my pretty Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' are both gone...I also think at least one Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan) has died but we'll see later in the summer when they should be blooming. You can what the garden looked like last year, a few months after planting, in my post from last summer.

Here's what's been blooming during the month of June...

first, apropos of nothing...rainbow! We had a huge rainstorm
the other day and afterward an enormous double rainbow came out...
sadly, this photo doesn't really do it justice, it was beautiful!

these Pulsatilla vulgaris (Anemone pulsatilla) or pasque flowers go from
this, in bloom, to...

...these, adorable seedheads. Don't they look like something
from a Dr. Seuss story? So whimsical.

Nature is interesting because the pasque flowers, above, were originally white when I planted them last year. This year however, some were this more maroonish-reddish color, some were purple, and some were the original white! I wonder what caused them to change color...

a tall, white columbine (sorry, I don't have the Latin name)

a close-up of the columbine

two flower buds of the Geranium Rozanne

beginning to bloom

the Geranium Rozanne filling out

The Geranium Rozanne is another of my favorite flowers - it blooms all summer long. We've been having heatwave after heatwave so far this summer, and this amazing flower just keeps going. It also has a great spreading habit (but isn't invasive) so it looks huge the year it's planted. I just can't recommend it enough!

another white columbine, smaller flowers,
shorter and rounder in habit than the first one above

the short white columbine in the right foreground corner
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster,' Feather Reed Grass,
on the left and back right

the 'Karl Foerster' grass in bloom

the bud of a Paeonia lactiflora, peony 'Festiva Maxima,'
you can see the tiny ants who drink the nectar and help the peony buds open

more buds...and more ants
peony 'Festiva Maxima' in bloom

Astilbe chinensis 'Visions in White,' before blooming

buds forming on a Liatris spicata Kobold

both the astilbe and liatris are almost ready to bloom

and, voila, the astilbe and liatris are now fully in bloom

More photos of the Clematis 'Roguchi,' another favorite (I know, aren't they all favorites?). I love clematis and this one is wonderful because it has the easiest pruning schedule (3) which means it grows on new wood and dies in the winter, so you can just cut it back hard in the spring. And, the best part? Look at these gorgeous deep purple flowers! The flowers bloom all summer long; I have it growing up my white wrought iron stair railing which provides a nice contrast. It would also look lovely growing with some yellow flowers.

even the buds are pretty with their arching "necks"

another angle

look at how many flowers it has - and this is only 1/4 of the plant!

blooming Lychnis coronaria (rose campion). This flower seems to follow us from
house to house. I don't think we've ever planted any but it's always there!
Kind of reassuring, I suppose :)

and now, time for a bird break!
A female cardinal and a sparrow, resting on the birdfeeder

Echinacea purpurea 'Virgin' about to bloom

the echinacea in full flower

a red rose with the lychnis in the background

a cute fern hiding in the background

Veronica spicata (AKA speedwell)...blooming pink and purple at the
same time...very mysterious
The Veronica (above) are another flower that seems to have changed colors since I planted it last year. I remember planting a deep purple Veronica last year, but most of the plant this year flowered with these pale pink flowers. Very strange and interesting...

daisy time! Leucanthemum x superbum, a shasta daisy...
not sure of the common name on this one

Leucanthemum x superbum 'Ice Star,' another shasta daisy,
basking in the sun

daisies and geranium Rozanne

Hakonechloa macra 'Naomi' (Japanese Fountain Grass)
a slow grower so not much bigger than last year

Bye for now...