Showing posts with label Mahoney's Garden Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahoney's Garden Center. Show all posts

Sunday, August 5, 2012

In the Garden: what's blooming in late-July

Rudbeckia triloba

We planted a new front garden this summer; most of the plants went in in early and mid-June but we added a few more toward the end of July. I went to Mahoney's and they were having a sale so I couldn't resist stocking up on some more plants.

In an effort to keep better track of the garden, so I know what times of the year need a few more blooming plants, I'm going to start photographing the garden a couple of times a month. Here's what's blooming in late-July.

Geranium Rozanne in the forefront and
Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' in the background

A Geranium Rozanne blossom hanging out with
Hakonechloa macra 'Naomi' (Japanese Fountain Grass)

A mix of blooms

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Little Goldstar'

a close up

Clematis 'Roguchi' climbing up a railing. I absolutely love this clematis.
It's grown steadily since planted in June and has a dozen or more flowers blooming.

hello buzz

our Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' has a mass of tiny white flowers
which bloom at the ends of long thin stems. Very graceful and delicate looking.

a little butterfly resting on the leaf of a Dicentra spectabilis (bleeding heart)

our Asteromea mongolica (Japanese aster) is still flowering.
We planted it in mid-June and it's been blooming since then - more than six weeks!

Scaevola aemula 'Top Pot Blue' in a pot

Scaevola aemula mixed in with some Portulaca oleracea (Purslane)

this one was labeled Rudbeckia fulgida 'City Garden' at Mahoney's but
that can't be right because it's too tall. I'll see how it grows in next year and
try to figure out what it really is.

I added two Echinacea purpurea 'Virgin' in July so I've have more late-summer bloomers

so pretty!

A close up of Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' with Asteromea mongolica in the background.
I love lavender!

another new plant, Veronica spicata. I think this one was also mislabeled because
it is supposed to be blue.

our Rudbeckia triloba, brown-eyed-Susan, is amazing. We planted it in
ealry-June and it started flowering - just one or two opening - but this past week
or so has seen an explosion of flowers. Lovely!

a close up

Bye for now...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

My 366 Photo Project: weeks 23, 24, 25 & 26

As evidenced by my lack of posting lately, I've been struggling to keep up with my daily/weekly posting of photos and just blogging in general. For my 366 Photo Project, it's been much harder than I expected to find interesting daily photos and then with just general life stuff getting in the way, it's been hard to keep up with weekly 'Snap Thursday' posting. I'm super impressed that my husband is still going strong and taking a photo and posting it every day on his 365 blog. I don't think he's missed a day yet! So anyway, we bought a house in May and moved (again!) so that was, of course, a busy and stressful process and my blogging fell by the wayside. But we are all settled in now so I'm planning to blog again regularly. I've got about 5 posts to do this weekend and hopefully this will get me back on track.

I'll still plan to post weekly for my 366 Photo Project (I'm half way through and feel like I have to finish out the year), but am going to bow out of the Snap Thursday group since I don't think that anyone else in the group is actually still posting. My theme for June is documenting the makeover of our new front garden. Exciting! My husband and I love to garden and felt that the one negative about our new house is the smaller lot size. However, we realized that our smaller backyard will mean much less time spent on maintenance and much more time enjoying the fruits of our labors. Plus, we still had a great raised front yard that was crying out for a makeover, so that would give us something to do.

When we started gardening at our first house (about ten years ago) we went about the whole thing very haphazardly - we just picked plants we liked and stuck them in the ground. This made it easy and fun to get started, but a few years later we realized there wasn't any flow to the garden in terms of theme, color, bloom time, or even plants in the right location for sun/shade. Luckily, plants are easily moved!

For our new garden, however, I wanted to get it (mostly) right from the start. During the six months we spent selling our condo and then living in a temporary apartment, I read up on garden design and native New England flowers and plants (gotta bring in those butterflies, bees and birds). Then, when we found our house, I started planning out the actual space with the flowers we wanted to include and figuring out how many of each we'd need. We decided to go with the color scheme of whites, yellows and purples and I wanted a cottage garden feel to it - full, lush, a bit wild-looking and lots of flowering plants. So far, so good. We've had a good amount of rain over the past month since we first planted everything, and with the exception on one dead lavender plant, everything else has grown in really well so far. I can't wait to see how it fills in next year!

I'll write another gardening post on all of the flowers we planted later. I'll include both the Latin and common names and a photo for each type of plant. We got all of the plants at our local Mahoney's Garden Center (we love spending the morning strolling through the garden!). I used to order plants through a catalog/online but when I compared the prices, Mahoney's was actually the same - or cheaper - for a larger sized plant. Sold!

See previous weeks from my 366 Photo Project here:
one & two, three, four, five, six, seven & eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two

June 1: after a full day of weeding, the front garden has been cleaned up.
We'll plan to take out the overgrown bushes next year.

June 2: we planted everything over two weekends.
Some of our plants from the first weekend: gaura (whirling butterflies) on the right
and rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan) on the left

June 3: (l-r) hakonechloa (Japanese fountain grass), rudbeckia, gaura

June 4: lavender and a couple of types of leucanthemum (daisies) are added

June 5: in this small side patch there are flowers to mirror what is in the main plot

June 6: small plot planted!

June 7: back to the main plot. There is a clematis vine we'll train up the railing (right) and a bleeding heart (left).

June 8: after getting everything in the ground I thought it still felt too empty and needed more plants to fill in
some of the holes.

June 9: it actually didn't take too long to get everything in the ground. It was fun to be digging in the dirt again.

June 10: some tall daisies, as well as a ghost fern, went in the back and a peony and lavender are closer to the front

June 11: we also were happy to put our bird-feeder back out

June 12: hungry hungry birds. They go through a full feeder per day!
We were hoping for cardinals but only got sparrows.

June 13: the next bunch of pictures are from the next weekend when we went back to the garden center
and picked out some additional flowers to fill in some of the gaps. This is one of my all-time favorite
flowers, geranium Rozanne. It flowers from spring until late fall and does really well in the high heat and humidity.

June 14: in addition to its other great attributes, it has the adorable, long-lasting purple flowers.

June 15: laying out the next bunch of flowers, including the geranium Rozanne, iris and more daisies

June 16: we also got some light yellow columbine. It's a spring bloomer so I'll have to wait until next year to see it flower.

June 17: here's that small patch again, filled in with some of the geranium Rozanne and balloon flowers

June 18: finally, everything is in the ground!

June 19: looks much better with more flowers planted

June 20: I can't wait to see how everything grows in next year

June 21: a close up of the shasta daisies, now in bloom

June 22: an even closer, close up of some water droplets

June 23: platycodon grandiflorus (balloon flower)

June 24: some cute tiny daisies, asteromea mongolica

June 25: the first bud from the clematis roguchi

June 26: the bud cute!

June 27: hello ladybug

June 28: closeup of the whirling butterflies

June 29: I love lavender. The flowers are adorable but the smell is just so divine. I could roll around in a
field of it and be happy.

June 30: more daisies!

Bye for now...